Groups, Create and Enroll Groups, Grading Group Activities


By increasing learners' interactivity with each other in task-oriented ways, they construct rather than acquire knowledge. Group work improves critical thinking, problem-solving, adaptability, and communication through clarification and evaluation of others' ideas, all of which are valuable job skills. 

Ideally, all learning includes active learner participation and interaction among learners. Instructors who have not introduced group activities into their teaching arsenals have valid reasons for being hesitant. Some do not want to transfer control from their tried-and-true instructor-centered methods of instruction to their learners. Others have heard stories from their colleagues that the experience was not worthwhile. Though the move away from an instructor-controlled environment can be a dramatic change, the benefits of collaborative learning far outweigh any obstacles that must be dealt with while implementing group activities. 

A good rule of thumb to use before adding group activities is to only assign group work for projects that an individual learner cannot do as well independently and finish in the intended amount of time. You want to select group assignments that create interdependence. Positive interdependence will produce meaningful relationships, greater productivity, and growth. 

Learners need assignments where they will learn to depend on their group members and ask for help from one another. "All for one and one for all" is the intended environment and result of positive interdependence. Help learners understand that their individual success is directly related to the success of all other members of their group. Without the contributions and knowledge of each member, the goal cannot be reached by any member alone. 

Group activities must not be seen as busy work or just another way to assign the work. Only use group collaboration when it enhances your learning objectives. If it does not provide value, consider alternative teaching techniques or using it for a different project. Otherwise, learners may see it as a hindrance instead of a benefit to their learning. 

Create and Enroll Groups 

Create Group Assignments in Blackboard Learn - 

Grading Group Activities 

After groups submit their assignments, you can access their work from the gradebook or within the course. Assign the same grade to the whole group or grade each team member's contribution separately if everyone did not contribute equally. You cannot change grade settings or group membership after you have started grading.